Saturday, February 28, 2009

Prayer Requests

1. Thankful for Your Hand in Chris's mom's struggle with alcohol.

2. Please step in on Blake's brother in law and guide him to make smarter choices now that he has a wife and child.

3. We pray for safe travel of the youth group as they return from their trip.

4. We pray for Gary and Jane Heek and peace for their kids as they are going through a divorce.

5. We lift up Caleb's brother's to You so You can work Your magic into the family's life as they deal with their struggles.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just a thought if you have a minute...

What does 'spiritual growth' mean?

Spiritual growth is a lot like physical growth. To stay healthy and grow physically, we must eat the right foods, exercise, and get plenty of rest. You’ve heard that since you were a child. According to Scripture, especially passages like
Ephesians 4:14-15, growing spiritually involves the same formula.

Christians must eat the right 'spiritual food': God’s Word. Yet many Christians try to survive on spiritual 'fast food.' That is, they watch Christian shows on TV, read Christian magazines, and listen to Christian music, while cutting the Bible out of their diet. But nothing builds the body—the body of Christ—like the Bible. Everything else is supplementary.

Exercise is another body builder. Christians exercise through resisting temptation, enduring trials, serving others, and telling others about their faith. Temptation and problems test our character; serving others stretches our faith; telling people about Christ strengthens our love for him.

Christians rest through worship. Our world has a tendency to pull us in different directions like a rubber band stretched to the limit. We need sleep, rest, and times of vacation to get our physical batteries recharged. In the same way, we need worship to keep us spiritually renewed.

Spiritual growth takes time—a lifetime! This means growing in a relationship, not just changing our behavior. Growing a strong Christian life means learning how to love Jesus more each day, staying close to him, and getting to know him better.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Ok... I am slowly getting this blog thing. I will make it a point to get a list of the prayer requests and praises so we all can be going to the Lord with these needs.

Casey was asking for ideas concerning our next study , if you have any ideas (or if you want to lead!!!) please get with him.

Lets all pray for Pastor Jon as he leads us through the rest of the commandments... I don't know about everyone else, but I am learining a lot through this series.

Thanks for reading this weeks blog... I promise they will get better and more informative!

For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. ~ Romans 5:5, NLT

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Site, New Blogger

Hey, it's been a long time... and because of that I am going to hand over the reigns on the blog to Austin. Sorry for the delay! Thanks Austin for taking over....
