Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 11, 2012

This week

Verse 1: Faith is being SURE of what we HOPE for and CERTAIN of what we do not see.

Today we discussed Hebrews Chapter 11 (aka the Faith Chapter). Casey gave us many scriptures to look up that are associated with this chapter and will help us to understand the full story and TRUE faith that people like Noah, Abraham and others demonstrated.

Self Questions for this week:
Abraham carried a child that God had promised to populate the earth with, a child Abraham had waited to be blessed with until he was 100 years old, with knife in hand to a sacrificial alter because God asked him to. (Gen 22) We have hundreds of promises documented from God to us in the bible. Do you believe them?

Next week
We will be finishing up Hebrews with Chapters 12 & 13.

Then Christmas Sunday and New Years Sunday there will be no adult sunday school. We will reconvene the Sunday after that doing a new study. Start talking to others that you think God is asking you to invite.

Prayer Requests
~ MCHS students who are spiritually struggling
~ Children's program tonight at 6:30pm
~ Aaron Terveen (Elissa Walz's brother) - transfer to Denver
~ Prunty Family dealing with cancer
~ Kari & Abby (Missy Ortman's friend) still in hospital

Ways to serve this holiday season
If you would like to help a shut in family or person this Christmas season by visiting, gifting, etc, please contact Traci Moore ( to see what you can do.

Have a great week,

Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 4, 2011

We had a wonderful discussion today on Hebrews 10 and I don't know about you, but I left with a feeling of being blessed to have such wise people around me to help bring clarity to God's word! Thank you everyone for sharing your insight and questions.

Self questions for the week:
What thoughts have crossed your mind about quitting your faith race? List out the pros and cons. What convinced you to keep following Jesus?

How can you help someone this week who is struggling to keep the faith?

Prayer Requests:
~ Safe travels for Blake & Landon
~ Jason singing at the Capital - all the details and that the message would be heard
~ Christmas program leaders and the kids - December 11 at 6:30pm
~ Elissa's brother Aaron and caretakers
~ Missy Prunty - breast cancer
~ Missy's friend - Carrie & and baby Abby - sick baby in the hospital
~ Gina's family friend who is going through tough times

Next week: Hebrews 11
December 18: Hebrews 12
December 25: No mini-congregation
January 1: No mini-congregation

Today we talked about that Christ did not make us to have this Christian walk alone, but to do it together. If you are looking for more ways to connect and to do some more in-depth study of the word, please contact Pastor Paul and he can get you connected with a "small group".

Have a wonderful and blessed day,

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 13, 2011

We studied Hebrews 5:11- 6:20 today. "The Race to Maturity." We had a great discussion about some difficult verses. We felt challenged to continue our research and ask God to deepen our knowledge of His word. Gina Reynen mentioned a helpful website called for Bible study. Jessica Baas brought up an author, Rick Renner, who is also helpful in Biblical interpretation. You can sign up for daily emails on his website,

Prayer Requests:
* Praises for Mitchell Christian kids who accepted Christ as their savior this past week.
* Praise for Burke Perry's dad accepting Christ at 86 years of age!
* Amy Storm's brother Matt has a child who had to be hospitalized for a short time this week
* Misty's friend, Mandy - Recently had a new baby girl and has stage 4 cancer
* Melissa's aunt passed away - pray for her family to put each other first over their differences
* Jason Zehr - recently reconnected with a high school classmate, found out her husband passed away - pray for how Jason should reach out to her
* Northridge as a whole - pray for God to build a hedge of protection around His church and to guide us in these new phases
* Family night for Orange 252 on Wednesday
* Johnstons

Next week we will study Hebrews 7

Upcoming Event!
December 4th - Ryan and Amy Storm are inviting us to get together at their home at 4:00 that day for a Christmas celebration. This will be adults only and will be a fun time of fellowship. Please bring a $5 gift (gender specific) for exchanging.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6, 2011

We read and discussed Hebrews 4:14-5:10. Here are a couple of questions to consider as you read the text: In what ways does our culture isolate us from the weaknesses of others? How can we resist being desensitized to the massive needs around the world?

Prayer Requests:
* Jason Gebhard's brother and family returned to their home in Africa where they are missionaries. Jason hasn't heard what state they found their house in after being vacant for a year, but knows they were excited to return.
* Youth pastor vote
* Orange 252 (Wednesday Night Children's Programming):
-Still in need of 2-4 helpers (preferably men) for 1st and 2nd grade
-This Wed. night (9th) they will be packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child
-Next Wed. night (16th) will be a family experience night
* Thanksgiving and Christmas - Remember the purpose for these seasons as we enter the busy time
* Dave Johnston - Family in ministry

Next week we will be covering Hebrews 5:11-6:20

If you are interested in getting involved in a small group please contact Pastor Paul.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

October 23, 2011

We continued our study of Hebrews, focusing on 4:1-13. The discussion revolved around receiving God's blessings and entering God's rest.

A few "housekeeping" items:
* We would like to send a Christmas package to our sponsored child, Foziya (we sponsor her through World Vision). We will need to send it soon in order for her to receive it close to Christmas. If you would like to include a small gift, some suggestions were pencils, bookmarks, and hair things. All items will need to fit in a large envelope. Please bring your gift to church next Sunday (October 30th). Melissa Waddell will be collecting the gifts.
* Pastor Appreciation Month is this month. We discussed giving gifts to our pastoral staff. If you would like to participate, give your money to Amy Storm next Sunday and she will pool our money to purchase something for each pastor.
* There will be no Sunday School next Sunday due to our youth pastor candidating weekend. There will be a question and answer time with Pastor Mike in the Sanctuary at that time.

Prayer Requests:
* Verity - not feeling well; prayer for healing and keeping the rest of the family healthy
* Pastor Mike Sourile - our youth pastor candidate
* Christmas musical - for things to go smoothly and for those helping to remember why they're doing it

We'll be back to finish chapter four of Hebrews in two weeks!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9, 2011

It is 28 to 3 - Vikings are leading... doesn't mean too much :)

Today we studied and discussed Hebrews Chapter 2.

Next week we will be covering Hebrews Chapter 3. Hope to see everyone there!!

Prayer requests...
~ Storm's sister in law is doing better (Jill) - Praise God!
~ Brian dealing with cancer
~ Healing for Clint (person attacked at Thirsty's bar)
~ The Johnston family

"For the truly faithful, no miracle is necessary. For those who doubt, no miracle is sufficient."

Hoping your week is full of "recognized" miracles!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 2, 2011

Happy October!

Congratulations Hofer Family and Lieber Family, and praise God for the dedications of Callie and Denairic!

We were not present for Mini-Congregation today, so thanks to Amy for providing some info to post here.

Today - Discussed Hebrews chapter 1

Next Week - Discuss Hebrews chapter 2 (please don't let it stop you from attending if you do not have a chance to read ahead of time)

Prayer Requests:

  • Johnstons - changes

  • Storms - sister-in-law, Jill, cancer

  • Youth Pastor - potential candidate

  • Orange 252 - still need male volunteers - praise for how well it's going

  • Thomas family - daughter Jalen was in hospital with abdominal pains

  • Men's retreat next weekend - safe travel, renewal, families at home

Have a great week,


Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

Good afternoon! Anyone else just watch the Viking lose? Seriously... Ugh... :(

Today we got lots of information about different ways we can serve at Northridge.
  • Gary Ellingson talked about Greeters and Ushers.

  • Kris Enga talked about the Nursey Ministry and gave several suggestions on how someone could volunteer... 1) Working in the Nursery, 2) Children's Check-in for the 11am service, 3) Toy cleaning, and 4) Nursery Coordinator.

  • Laura Bruns talked about child protection in our church and some guidelines for adults that are working with the children.

Contact to volunteer or for more information on any of the above ministries.

Next week we will be starting a study on the book of Hebrews. Please read Chapter 1 of Hebrews and we will have discussion time on it next week. Even if you don't have it read, please come anyway!

Note: Praise God for Preston's baby dedication this morning (Chris and Missy Ortman's youngest son).

Hope everyone has an opportunity to get outside and enjoy this beautiful fall weather (except for Craig... haha).

Have a great week!


Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18, 2011

Sorry so long since the last post on the Legacy Builders Blog...

Today we met just to chat and have brunch, since we have finished our last study and have not started the next one yet. It was nice to see everyone and have a chance to visit.

Next week we will have a couple people come in to talk about ministry opportunities in the chuch.

See you then!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 21, 2011

We discussed 2 chapters of the "Outlive Your Life" book we have been reading.

Just 2 chapters left to discuss, but we won't do that for a few weeks because of all the upcoming things...

Sunday, August 28th
We will be meeting in the sanctuary to talk about Wednesday night kids activities. Come if you are interested to learn more about what the kids will be doing or for volunteering information.

Sunday, September 4th
No Mini-Congregations and only 1 church service at 11am.

Sunday, September 11th
We will discuss the last 2 chapters in the "Outlive your Life" book.

Also, for all you parents, it is Sunday School move up day, so kids will be moving up to their new classes. If you have any questions on where they should move up to or anything about Sunday school you can email the church office (email address is on the website

Sunday, September 18th
To be determined. We can plan to just socialize and lay out the plan on how to invite others to the group and definitively plan a kick-off Sunday for our group!

Have a great week!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 24, 2011

Today we discussed chapters 7 and 8 of "Outlive You Life"

Chapter 7, "See the Need; Touch the hurt", referenced Jesus' use of physical touch for healing and how that allowed him to make a personal and meaningfull connection with the ones he healed and the witnesses. We discussed how much impact seeing and listening to someone can have.

Chapter 8, "Persecution: Prepare for It; Resist It", talked about how we will face persecution for our beliefs. Our persecution may not be life threatening, but we can draw strength from examples of people who did risk it all for their faith.

Prayer Requests:
Melissa's Grandmother
Johnstons traveling to TN
Hannah and Caleb's move
Payne family's move
Young mother who is giving her child up for adoption

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 10, 2011

We discussed chapters 5 and 6 of our book. Chapter 5 (Team Up) was summed up as "No one can do everything, but everyone can do something." Chapter 6 (Open You Door; Open Your Heart) led to discussion about how we need to work to be hospitable even if everything isn't "perfect." We don't have to have the perfect meal, or the perfectly cleaned house just an open door.

Prayer Requests:
*High school student traveling
*Heidi's grandpa
*Erin Olsen

We will discuss chapters 7 and 8 next week.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 19, 2011

First... Happy Father's Day all you Dads!

This week was a pretty small group and we discussed the 1st 2 chapters of "Out Live Your Life". Next week, we will continue with Chapters 3 & 4.

If you haven't paid for your books you can pay Jason or Fredel $14 anytime

Ways to Serve
~ Wednesday, June 29th
You can help Daniel & Kayli Sauer move if you can meet at their storage unit by Vern Eide Ford. All they need to do is move the boxes from the storage unit to the U-Haul truck. Please call Kayli at 402-657-8966 if you can come!

~ Meals - There is only 1 spot left to fill on Hofer's meal train on July 1st - go to to sign up for that last spot. Thanks everyone!

~ Delivering Cookies - Our mini-congregation is planning to be a part of delivering cookies on July 10th and July 17th. Just meet at the church at 5pm on either of those dates and you will get further instructions then.

~ Bringing Cookies - You can bring cookies any time and just put them in the freezer at church. This goes on all summer.

Prayer Requests
~ Rockin on the Ridge next week Sunday
~ Heidi's Grandpa in the nursing home and prayer for her Grandma too
~ Ortman's friend dealing with suicide

Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 12, 2011

We will be starting the 1st week of "Out Live Your Life" book discussions on June 19th. We will be discussing the 1st 2 chapters.

If you already ordered a book...
The books are $14 - please pay Jason or Fredel Thomas

If you need a book...
Available to order from (author Max Lucado)

If you don't read books...
Please still come and you can join in the conversation and discussion without having read the book!

Meals for the Hofers:
Jared and Stacey Hofer had their new baby girl "Callie" a couple of weeks ago and we are lining up meals for them using (something new we will try). You will get an invitation link and be able to sign up for the date you prefer to bring the meal. If you do not receive an invitation, please email and we will get you added.

Serving Opportunities:
Work days at the Johnstons
~ Melissa will provide more information next week

Cookie Outreach
~ Making cookies - deliver cookies to the church freezer any time
~ Delivering cookies - Our group is planning to help deliver the cookies on July 10th and July 17th from 5-7pm. Please check to see if you will be available either of these 2 dates. We will discuss more next week.
~ More information available in the foyer of the church.

Children Clothing Drive
~ Our group will be partnering with the Luv Em team and their clothing drive for the Diamond Willow Ministries in Fort Thompson.
~ Kris E will provide us more information.

Prayer Requests:
~ Renee's Aunt Coral is in the ICU
~ Pastoral Vote
~ Kids Church Camps
~ Pastor Dave Church Camps
~ Erin and her upcoming Missions Trip

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13, 2011

This week we again met with Erin and discussed "Wonder questions".

We reviewed a list of questions that we can ask a person that will get them thinking about their faith. We also discussed how to engage a person in a conversation by talking about somthing that they are interested in.

Prayer Requests:
Pastoral Search
People in Japan

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6, 2011

Sorry so long since the last post...

Since the last post Erin O. has continued meeting with us for evangelism training(when weather and other events allow!). For those that are interested, and missed the first lessons, Erin has some pamphlets that can help step you through a conversation about your faith, and a worksheet that will help you prepare your personal testimony.

Please join for the last couple weeks, if you are able, as each session is quite informative, even if you have not heard the previous sessions.

Prayer Requests:

Pastoral search: current pastors and potential new pastors

Mission trip to Ukraine: clarity for those deciding to go or not

Johnstons: meetings this week for fundraising

Easter Season: That it will open doors for people to invite others to church, and that it will renew our thankfullness for the gift Jesus has given us

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16th, 2011

We are continuing to meet out in the main area and had our first session of Evangelism training ("Go" class) that is being taught by Erin Olson.

We will be doing the "Go" class for approximately 8 weeks:
Week 1: heart for evangelism, love vs. truth, getting to know one another
Week 2: What is the gospel, training on using the 4 Spiritual laws
Week 3: Writing your personal testimony
Week 4: Walking in the power of the Holy Spirit
Week 5: Asking wondering questions, taking advantage of everyday questions
Week 6: Positive Deconstruction
Week 7: Apologetics #1 - philisophical questions
Week 8: Apologetics #2 - logistical questions

We wrote down 3 names that we will be praying for during these 8 weeks for them to come to Christ.

We took a collection for the Ortmans to help defer travel expenses while they are gone. If you would like to give, please contact Amy Gebhard or Fredel Thomas.

~ Ortmans - Surgery was cancelled last week for LIncoln, but they leave again on Thursday to go again. Pray for health for the whole family. Lincoln has to stay healthy in order for them to do the surgery.
~ The Pastoral Vote taking place today
~ Dave's cousin with cancer (only 22)
~ Lieber's house in Minnesota to finalize the sale and praise for progress there.
~ Sauers family while Daniel is away
~ Amirrah to gain weight and to learn nursing quickly.
~ Will's dad diagnosed with cancer and doesn't know the Lord.

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 9, 2011

We met briefly to discuss our upcoming study "Go" that will be led by Erin Olson. Following our discussion of evangelism, we shared prayer requests.

* Starting our new study
* Chris, Missy, and Lincoln on their way to Iowa City. Lincoln's surgery will be this week, but they will remain in Iowa City for at least 2 weeks.
* Pastoral candidate and church vote
* Baby Amirrah - weight check on Monday - hoping to be over 5 lbs.
* Dave's cousin, Jared, found out he has cancer - he's 22 and is supposed to be leaving for Afghanistan