Sunday, November 22, 2009

November 22nd, 2009

Well, it's that time of year again! Thanksgiving and the kick-off to the holiday season!! It's during these times that I feel so very blessed and thankful and so prompted by God to help others feel that same way!

I hope we will all feel challenged to get out and be so focused on thanks and praising our gracious God that our gratefulness might be contagious to those around us.

~ We discussed Unit 10 this week and had special guests David, Beth, and Zane Roberts who are going to be missionaries in Argentina some time this coming January.

Please have them in your prayers as they travel the midwest and get prepared to go on this most awesome God assignment.

We will plan to have Sunday School and will be discussing Unit 11.

~ Hannah's friend going through a tough pregnancy - she is 21 weeks... Praise God! But still has a ways to go for the baby to be safe. Everyday she makes it is certainly a gift from God.

~ Hannah's friend that is going through the adoption process and have been accepted to get a baby February 14th, 2009. Please pray for the biological Mom and the baby and the whole situation.

~ Traci's uncle - mental illness - the family and his children need prayer for peace through the holidays

~ Matt and Kari are seeing some encouraging God movement in their work to get Julie from Haiti... Please continue prayer for Matt & Kari, Julie's aunt, and Julie so they can get here safely and quickly!

~ Marc & Tina (Jason Gebhard's brother) - missionaries in Africa - continued prayer through the holidays and for safety (and for their new monkey. :) You had to be there)

~ The Hart's - healing for Lexi's arm and praise for healing from her surgery.

~ Jen and Ben Klumb and there little boy who broke his leg.

~ Safety for Farmers (Ryan Storm) working hard to get their crops in before the snow flies.

~ Prayer for safe travel and a blessed Thanksgiving. Prayer that we can be examples of Christ and love in our families who might not be saved.

~ Will's sister - trouble with addiction - pray for her to come to Christ and for the rest of Will's family

~ Johnstons - Dave's Mom and Dad are in poor health and they have a lot going on with holidays, leading the church, etc.

~ Keep our church leaders in prayer and the people chosen to select our new pastor.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 8th, 2009

Our discussion was great this morning! It is wonderful to get together and be encouraged by all the things God is doing in our individual lives!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

~ We discussed Unit 8 in our Experiencing God study
~ Melissa Waddell said that the Lifelight concert at DWU is this coming Friday, so if you are feeling led to volunteer, please contact her.
~ We talked about this website that has some pretty cool testimonies on it.

~ Continued prayer for the Howlett's and Julie (they are trying to adopt from Haiti)
~ Ben and Jen Klumb and their little boy Creighton who broke his leg
~ Healing for Mr. Mathis (Principal in Ethan)
~ Lexi Hart - healing for her shoulder
~ Amber and Will and Layla and God's plan for her.

~ Jason and Fredel have collected all the items from the church and will be donating them to DWU's clothing event. Thanks to all who donated! Those that brought totes for collection can now take them home.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1st, 2009

Can't believe it's November already! Christmas will be here before we know it.

~ We discussed Unit 7 of "Experiencing God" study.

~ Terry (superintendent in Ethan) - he has cancer and has caught some of the stuff going around.
~ Ben and Jen Klumb - Their little boy broke his leg and will be in a cast.
~ Prayer for the staff in this transition - Especially Pastor Paul who has been sick
~ Matt & Kari - The Adoption of Julie from Haiti - Pray for Julie's health & care
~ Melissa's friend going through a tough divorce
~ Hannah's friend who is having a risky and tough pregnancy
~ Farmers and their crops
~ Praise God for Lexi Hart's successful surgery and her health.

~ We are joining DWU's clothing collection and will be donating all the items collected to their event on November 21st from 8:00am to 5:00pm. They are giving everything away for free. Jason and Fredel have collected the items from the church and will do the last of the collection November 8th and will deliver to DWU. You can pick up your totes that you donated after next Sunday.

~ Melissa Waddell talked about the Lifelight concert coming up in Mitchell November 13th and if you are interested you can contact her to see how you can volunteer to help out.

~ We will be discussing Unit 8.