Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13, 2011

This week we again met with Erin and discussed "Wonder questions".

We reviewed a list of questions that we can ask a person that will get them thinking about their faith. We also discussed how to engage a person in a conversation by talking about somthing that they are interested in.

Prayer Requests:
Pastoral Search
People in Japan

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6, 2011

Sorry so long since the last post...

Since the last post Erin O. has continued meeting with us for evangelism training(when weather and other events allow!). For those that are interested, and missed the first lessons, Erin has some pamphlets that can help step you through a conversation about your faith, and a worksheet that will help you prepare your personal testimony.

Please join for the last couple weeks, if you are able, as each session is quite informative, even if you have not heard the previous sessions.

Prayer Requests:

Pastoral search: current pastors and potential new pastors

Mission trip to Ukraine: clarity for those deciding to go or not

Johnstons: meetings this week for fundraising

Easter Season: That it will open doors for people to invite others to church, and that it will renew our thankfullness for the gift Jesus has given us