Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 19, 2010

We did not have an organized lesson today, but we did have a decent sized group and plenty of prayer requests.
- Renee's bed rest has got her to 34 weeks, she is shooting for 36 (or better)
- Sunday School class that is presenting their book "Saul to Paul" to use the book to witness to others
- New Pastor - candidating on January 9th, vote on January 16th
- Kids getting the real Meaning of Christmas
- January 11th, Surgery for Lincoln
- Gentleman who left church with the paramedics
- Car Accident by Ethan - car vs. semi - non-life threatening injuries
- House Fire by Waddel's
- Safe travel for everyone at Christmas
- people without family to spend Christmas with
- John S's brother coming home after 2 years in Iraq
- What we will study after Christmas

Monday, December 13, 2010

December 12, 2010

This week we watched the second part of the video series "Indescribable" by Louis Giglio. It was entitled "Astronomical Grace."

Our prayer requests this week were limited due to time restraints, but this is what people asked prayer for:

* Ortmans - Lincoln has surgery on January 11th.
* Renee has been experiencing pre-term labor. She will be on bed rest for the next few weeks.
* Travel plans for everyone around the holidays
* Pastoral search

Have a great week!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5th, 2010

We are meeting out in the main area again and we watched a video called "Indescribable: Significant Insignificance" by Louie Giglio.

The Universe is a big place. Astronomers estimate that it is 156 billion light years wide (keeping in mind that a light year is 5.87 trillion miles). This has led many to state that if earth is the only inhabited planet, it sure seems like there is a lot of wasted space out there. But what if the universe had a different purpose, other than just to house us? What if it was intended to communicate something to us? If we were to listen, what would it say about us and about God?

Question to think about...
1) Read Psalm 19:1-6. What does the universe communicate to us about God?
2) Why do we tend to lose perspective on how big God is? How does this impact how we approach life?
3) How can you remind yourself how big God is? What difference would it make in your life if you carried around the proper perspective of God's bigness?
4) Read Psalm 8:3-4. What does the universe communicate to us about ourselves?
5) Why do we tend to think of ourselves as bigger than we really are? When have you been reminded of your smallness?
6) Read Psalm 8:3-9 and Philippians 2:5-11. What is the source of our significance?

~ Chris and Missy and their trip to Iowa with Lincoln
~ Praise that Leah is home from the hospital and prayers for the family as they still don't know what was wrong?
~ Fredel is scheduled to have the baby on Friday
~ Traci's mom's eyes
~ Pastor Search

Next week we will be watching the video "Indescribable 2: Astronomical Grace".

We are given glances into God's grandeur when we stare out into the universe. Stars and nebulas and pulsars and galaxies all beautifully and intricately created by Him. However, contemplating the vastness of God can make it harder to wrap our minds around His grace. How can it be that a God this big, this creative, this imaginative, would stoop down, take the form of a man, and die a humiliating death on the cross? Could the One who made the stars also offer me grace?

Questions to think about for next week...
1) What are some specific things in God's created universe that amaze you? What are some things you have learned about God because of His creation?
2) Read Hebrews 1:1-3. How could it be that Jesus is a better reflection of God's glory than all the stars in the universe?
3) Jesus provided the way for our sins to be cleansed by offering Himself as a sacrifice on the cross. What emotions surface when you think about the One whom all things were created through offering Himself as a sacrifice?
4)When did you first come to know about the grace offered by God? How was it communicated to you?
5) God's grace is big enough to cover all sins. How does the bigness of God's grace compare with the bigness of His creation? Are both equally amazing?
6) How can a better appreciation of the bigness of God's grace change the way you interact with God and others?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

November 21, 2010

Today we watched another Andy Stanley video discussing the reality of death for everyone whether Christian or not. It's not an "if"... It's a "when"... The fundamental question asked was not how many days do I have left, but instead "What should I be doing with the days that I have left?"

How would our lives be different if we lived everyday with the fact of death and eternal life with God at the center of our minds rather than just in the peripheral?

Along with the fact that we will all die, we will also head to a judgment day where we will be judged based on our faithfulness, not on our sin. Jesus already died for our sin. We all want to hear the words "Well done, good and faithful servant." It's definitely a time of year for serving...

So let's give willingly... let's serve whenever and where ever God leads us!

We ran out of time this week, so we didn't do other prayer requests.

We passed a bucket around to gather money for the remaining supplies needed for a thanksgiving meal being served in our old church building.

The letters to Santa fundraiser (details below) are due next Sunday!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November 14, 2010

The video we watched centered on the Biblical account of Jesus standing trial before Pilate. Pilate felt like he had control, and needed to remain in control even though it meant convicting an innocent man. We can all struggle with issues of control, and how differently would we live if we truly believed that God is in control of everything?

These were some of the prayer requests this week:
* Conrads - a death in the family
* Travel plans in the winter months and around the holidays
* Amy G's brother and family
* Amber's praise for Margaret's safe arrival
* JoAnn's coworker going to Haiti on a mission trip

Traci brought up this service project:
The Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Dakota has a goal to get as many children as possible to write letters to Santa and deliver them to Macy's mailbox.
For each letter written and turned in to Macy’s, Macy’s will give MAW $1. For letters turned in on December 10th, Macy’s will give MAW $2.
If you bring your letters to the church, Traci will collect them Sunday, December 4th and will make sure that they get to Macy's by the 10th.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Today we watched a video that talked about the story of the paralytic man being lowered in front of Jesus and instead of Jesus saying, "Pick up your mat and walk" and performing the miracle everyone expected. He said, "Your sins are forgiven." Jesus knew the man's true and immediate needs which is not necessarily what the man saw as his need.

We discussed questions like:
Have you had a time when you have wanted something, but instead got what you needed?
How do we discern our urgent needs vs. our eternal needs?
How does our prayer life change when we focus on our need for forgiveness?

~ Pastor Search Committee
~ African Children's choir performing tonight at 7pm
~ Matt's Dominican Republic trip
~ Quinn's having their baby on Tuesday
~ Lincoln's health
~ Jason's Grandma - spot on her lunch
~ Hannah's travels and Caleb while she is away
~ Kids who are struggling and families during this time of year
~ Operation Christmas Child box recipients

Have a great week!! Rejoice, knowing that we are forgiven!!

Only 48 shopping days left until Christmas!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 31, 2010

We watched a very challenging video, called "Thirsty," from our Andy Stanley series. The lesson centered on the woman at the well from John 4. We often strive to fulfill our thrist for God with other things. Here are a few of the questions we discussed:
With what or whom have you tried to satisfy your thirst?
Do you feel valued by God despite the mistakes you've made?
Do you believe that through Christ your thirst can be quenched? If so, can you
count on Christ to meet all of your needs?

Here are our prayer requests for the week:
*Jason G.'s brother and family made it safely back to the U.S.
*Craig & Sara are thankful for the meals and are grateful to have found daycare. Also, their house is not sold yet, but they have found renters.
*Kahl's house closing in 2 weeks
*Casey's stepdad doing well
*Melissa's grandma, Hilda, had blockages in her heart but she is recovering and doing well. The family is planning to get together over Thansgiving to celebrate her 90th birthday.
*Hannah going back to work tomorrow
*Lincoln goes to IA City on Wed. Surgery will possibly be this week or they will wait until Dec.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


This week we focused on the prayer needs of our group. We didn't watch a video, but will be continuing next week on "Defining Moments" with Andy Stanley.

~ Praise that Casey's stepdad caught a heart attack before it actually happened and he is doing well.
~ Continued prayer for Stacey and Tim as she has more tests done.
~ Pastor Search
~ The Johnston's as they begin their new journey
~ Jason G's brother and his family (Mark and Tina & kids) who will be returning this week to America from their African Mission.
~ Our kids and each other's kids

Have a safe and blessed week!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

10/16/2010 - Seeing is believing!

Today Matt Howlet led our group. We watched another video in the Andy Stanley series, with this week's session called Seeing is Believing.
- His Big point is that people in Jesus' time (as well as us now) tend to focus on the unexplainable instead of the undeniable. He focused on John 9, "Jesus Heals" the story where he cures the blind man.
- A good question to think about is "What do you believe that you don't understand?"

Prayer Requests:
- Heidi's Grandpa is going on the Honor Flight trip this week
- Heidi is also traveling this week for a teaching conference (Pray for Casey with the kids too).
- Amy Storm was made aware of a child at their daycare who is being abused
- Search Committee
- Blake's Sister - strength and clarity in her decision
- Law Enforcement with all of the hunters around
- Men's Retreat guys - so they can bring the spiritual intensity home to their families
- Blake's continued responsibility at the Sanctuary

Sunday, October 10, 2010


It was a small class today, but we had some good discussion.

~ Craig & Sara had their baby (we will be doing meals)
~ Praise for the weather
~ Quinn's
~ Hit & run at the Johnston's
~ Lieber's house to sell in Minnesota
~ Kahl's house to sell
~ Safe travel home from teh men's retreat
~ Family that Missy is mentoring who lost their child
~ Traci's brother-in-law James, knee replacement
~ Dave & Steph and their transition
~ Pastor Search for our church

Traci volunteered for the Service project position. Please be in prayer about what our group should do!

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26th, 2010

This week we continued with the next lesson in Defining Moments. In this lesson John 3:1-15 was discussed. This lesson talked about Nicodemus and how talking to Jesus changed his life and what he believed.

We had lots of great discussion over the questions after the video and ran short on time for prayer requests.

As always it is great to see new faces, and hope to see you all next week.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 19th, 2010

We started an 8 week series called "Defining Moments" by Andy Stanley. We will be doing a video and then have some discussion. No worries about missing or being behind as there is no homework, so come when you can!!

If you want to check out more information on this or possibly order the little book that comes with it you can go to

We are now meeting in the high school room, there are maps in the church to point you in the right direction.

~ Misti's friend Mary Lou - her husband and her mom
~ Stacey H.
~ BIG night for the kids starts Wednesday
~ Our pastor search, our current pastors, and our church
~ Prayer about where God wants you to serve within our group

Please let Casey know if you are willing to serve in any of the below areas.
1. Service projects - Taking ideas and getting project started for our group to go out and serve

2. Caring Person - in charge of organizing meals for when people have babies are ill or whatever.

3. Social Events - organizing a few events for us to get together for fellowship

4. Prayer & the blog - Prayer leader and updating the blog

5. Leading the Group or subbing for it each Sunday!

Have a great week!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Back to it...

It was great to see such a large group there today! Welcome back! I'm excited to see what God has in store for our group this year!

This week we talked about prayer requests (below) and getting organized for the year.

~ We will be talking about folks who want to head up a few things for our group.
Please be in prayer about how God wants you to serve.
~ Hands & Feet (Service Projects, Meals)
~ Group Social Events

~ Bring any ideas you might have for studies to do in the group each Sunday.
~ Bring any ideas for a kick-off event.

~ The pregnant women in the group
~ Blake's sister & her daughter
~ Safety & Fellowship for the Men's Retreat coming up October 8-10 - Contact Blake Waddell
~ Amy's brother & sister-in-law - possibly relocating
~ Tracy's Mom's vision - Praise
~ Our Pastor Search
~ Lincoln Ortman - upcoming surgeries
~ Will's new business venture
~ BIG program (starts Sept 22nd)
~ Foziya (our sponsored child through WorldVision)
~ Tim's mother moving to town and praise for how well it went
~ Heidi's grandma recovering from surgery
~ Heidi's Mom's recovery

Monday, May 31, 2010

Update on Foziya...


Just to let you that I sent in the information for our group to sponsor Foziya through World Vision. The amount that I put us down for was $40 per month. The minimum amount was $35 so I put us down for a little more since I know we can do that pretty easily as a group.

When they receive the information I sent, they will send us a welcome packet that will have more info on Foziya, including her last name, some more particular and various other info. We will also get an update every month from World Vision as to what our funds are going toward in regards to Foziya. It also stated that we can expect to receive some information, such as a letter, from Foziya in about 3-4 months. We will have many options on things that we can do with her, including being able to send "small" gifts and such if we so choose. I will be sure to fill everyone in further once we receive the information.


Monday, May 3, 2010

May 2, 2010

We were ahead of the sermons in Ephesians since Dennis Martin had preached last Sunday, so this Sunday we spent our time talking about our group's sponsored child and sharing prayer requests.

Blake shared some of the details of our sponsorship of Foziya through World Vision. In addition to monetary contributions, we want to remember to lift Foziya and her family in prayer and make a commitment to developing a relationship with her through letters. Blake passed out information on how we can correspond with Foziya and has all of the account information. Thanks for taking charge of that, Blake!

Our time of prayer was filled with many requests that are weighing heavily on people in our group. Please keep the following in prayer this week:
*Casey's mom and stepdad on a mission trip to the Ukraine
*Jackson Quinn's MRSA is back. They will see an infectious disease doctor in SF this week.
*Amy Gephart's nephew had 2 seizures recently for still undetermined reasons
*Impact Lives - Money to be raised and volunteers for packing. Also for Deb as she leads the event
*Safety for our kids as we approach summer
*Our future pastor
*Renee's mom - is pregnant and was told she possibly has cancer
*Kari's stress at work
*Caleb and Hannah's parents - traveling together to SD this week. Pray for safety and an enjoyable visit!
*Ministries at our church - Men's and Women's ministries; VBS coming up soon

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25, 2010

This week Traci led us as we discussed Ephesians 4:17-32. We focused on how Christians can live in unity and were challenged to put away our "old selves" in order to live lives pleasing to Christ.

Prayer Requests:
-Jon's grandma and great-aunt are both having knee replacement surgery on Monday
-Jon's uncle has terminal cancer and will be moving into hospice
-PRAISE - Renee's MRI results were normal!
-Amber's health concerns
-Hannah's last 3 days of class

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18, 2010

We discussed Ephesians 4:7-16 today and talked about how our spiritual gifts can be used for the glory of God...

We have been putting prayer requests first, so we have plenty of time for people to reveal what is on their heart. We have notecards and pens available for everyone to jot prayer requests down so we can be reminded to pray for people in our group throughout the week.

~ Traci's mom is doing well after her surgery last week.
~ Heidi's grandma Violet is recovering from surgery
~ Renee's sister Deanna had her Tonsils and Adnoids removed and is recovering
~ Waiting on Renee's MRI results
~ Traci's mom's family and their kids and the situation
~ Julie and the Howlett's
~ Stephanie's sister CHeryl is having a hysterectomy
~ A family in Mitchell who is having financial trouble and needs prayer for their marriage
~ Olivia - 10 years old has diabetes - her and her parents as they figure out this illness
~ Ruth's job situation
~ Foziah (our child we are sponsering as a group)
~ Jon's position change and God's will.

Have a great week everyone! See you next week!


Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11, 2010

We had another big group today! It is so great to see everyone... We discussed Ephesians 4:1-6 today.

We passed around the list for the email group today. We have been using Yahoo email groups and so if you want to email the group just use this address:

If you are not on the group email list and would like to be, please email Karisa Hart - and she will get you added.

Our group is sponsoring a child from Ethiopia through World Vision.
Foziya is her name and she is 9 years old. She'll be 10 on July 2nd. Please add her to your prayers.
You can give any financial gifts to Blake Waddell or bring them to mini-congregation.

~ Blake's sister Jill is having reconstructive surgery this week Wednesday.
~ Traci's mom Sue is having tubes put into her eyes (yep that says eyes) this week Wednesday.
~ Ruth's job and where God is leading their family on the tuition front.
~ Prayer for baby Julie and her aunt and what next steps there might be for the Howlett's
~ Chris and Missy's extended family is having a tough time.
~ Praise that Jackson is feeling much better and they are home from the hospital

~ Amy Kahl stopped by to ask that we be in prayer about helping out with Sunday School in the summer to give the teachers a break. She will be passing around a sign-up sheet next week.
~ Also Mary with the 2-3 year olds is in need of some volunteers to assist each Sunday (there are 15 kids in there).

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 14th, 2010

Today we discussed Ephesians 2:1-10. We had great discussions about God's incredible mercy and grace!!

Next week we will be discussing Ephesians 2:11-22.

~ We read a "Letter to the Editor" today and we need to pray for the author Eric.
~ Celebrate Recovery and where God wants Amber to serve
~ Stephanie's Mom has a biopsy on Tuesday.
~ Matt is in Korea, please prayer for safe travels and for Kari and the boys at home.
~ Jason and Fredel are leaving for Mexico this week - safe travels.

Hope everyone has a great week.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7th, 2010

Austin "facilitated" :) our discussion this morning and we covered Ephesians 1:15-23. Austin did a great job leading our discussion. Thanks, Austin! For not knowing what facilitating means, you sure did a nice job facilitating!

Next week we will discuss Ephesians 2:1-10

Reminder that the Parenting Bible Study "Value-Packed Parenting" starts this coming Tuesday, March 9th at 6:30pm at the church. Hope to see you all there!! (more info on the church website)

~ March 19th, Will's sister has her court date.
~ Prayer for the Parenting Bible Study and it's impact on the church
~ Carisa's brother's Father-in-law died
~ Jon's cousin just got married and he's leaving for Afghanistan
~ Austin finds out soon if he will be going to college
~ Jennifer Jacks is getting close to having her baby
~ Matt Howlett is going to Korea on a trip
~ Howlett's and God's will for Baby Julie

Have a great week!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

February 28...

Our esteemed leader Casey was gone this week, so Amy Storm stepped in as group leader in our discussion of the Book of Ephesians. We began with the following prayer requests:
- Austin has a phone interview Tuesday at 4:00 to see if he is accepted to college.
- Will Quinn's sister has violated her parole again and Amber has asked to pray that she is able to right her ways and find God.
- Will decided to take a new job
- Earthquake victims in Chile
- Jared's 96 year old grandma had a stroke and appears to be recovering
- Continued prayers for the search committee as they seek our church's new leader
- Prayers for the kids and adults who traveled to Dare 2 Share
- Prayers for Blake's sister Trisha who is having troubles in her marriage, help to give her the strength she needs to handle the situation
- Hannah's friends Sarah who's baby is coming home soon, still a month prior to the due date and Jenny as she is now home with her new baby.

We began a study on the book of the Ephesians and had great discussion this week on God's will for us and looked at versus 1, 1-14.

Austin agreed to lead the group next week.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 21st, 2010

We will be starting a study of Ephesians next week and will be discussing Ephesians 1:1-14.

We will discuss Ephesians 1:15-23 on March 7th.

~ Jon has a job offer and for guidance on what is best to do.
~ Melissa's cousin had a stillborn.
~ Our church search committee & Pastor Paul & Pastor Dave
~ Marriages of all those around us.

See you next week!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Feb 7th 2010

This week we started off with prayer requests for the following:
- Amy Storm as she recovers from surgery
- Health for the Johnston family as they prepare for a trip to Florida
- Will Quinn as he is deciding to accept a new job or not
- Amy Gebhart's friends who adopted a 3 year old girl from Haiti, they brought her home on her 3rd birthday, but the transition is difficult as they had no time to adjust, they just had to leave with her and bring her home
- Hannah's friend Sarah and baby Landry are doing well, but Landry will be in the NIC Unit for several more weeks
- Hannah's friend Jenny had the mother sign papers to waive her rights, but they still must wait 5 more days to have it finalized
- Search Committee who is seeking to find our churches next leader.

Amber Quinn shared her thoughts about the Celebrate Recovery Program. She wanted to make sure that there was no misperception that it was for addicts only, but rather anyone who wants has had their life affected by some form of addiction and that wants to help deal with their issues and become closer to God.

Casey wanted to challenge us all to remember to pray for our spouses as it is very easy to forget to pray for the person who you are closest to and around every day.

Amber also announced that the Spring Fever Pool Party will be postponed as the weekend she had planned is the Life 96.5 Tubing weekend at Great Bear.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


We discussed that last G - Go and will have 2 weeks before we start the next series on Ephesians.

~ Sarah's baby Landry was born early, but is breathing on her own and is doing great!! She will be in the NICU for awhile until she can start eating better. Please be in continued prayer for them and for their safe return home.

~ Jenny's little boy Jake was born on Friday and they are with him now and looking to bring him home some time next week. Please be in prayer that they will be able to bring Jake home when the time comes.

~ Amy's friend Gloria is in her last few days at the hospital. Please be in prayer for her family and friends.

~ Search committee - please be in prayer for our new pastor and for the search committee finding that new pastor.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 24, 2010...

Again it was great to see such a large group today... As was suggested, let's be praying for the group and each individual as well as where we see God at work that we could join him with our many talents and resources!

Sarah is 31 weeks pregnant and is in the hospital. Please be praying for safety for the baby and Sarah and that she can stay pregnant as long as possible to give the baby more and more chance to grow!

Hannah's friend Jenny is leaving this week to go down to pick up her son through the adoption process. Please be praying for safety in travel, peace and strenghth through the whole process.

The Nydam's are currently in Ethiopa picking up their child. Please be in prayer for them.

Continued prayer for the Howlett's and baby Julie. Baby Julie and her aunt both survived the earthquake (Praise God!!), but there is still a ways to go before they can possibly come to America.

More news to come on a Men's outing either the end of February or beginning of March. Blake will be getting out the details when they are available.

The last Saturday in February (27th), anyone can come to the Days Inn Hotel for a fun day in the pool or playing games or whatever (some time in the afternoon). Really informal, just if you are looking for a day out with the family!