Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26th, 2010

This week we continued with the next lesson in Defining Moments. In this lesson John 3:1-15 was discussed. This lesson talked about Nicodemus and how talking to Jesus changed his life and what he believed.

We had lots of great discussion over the questions after the video and ran short on time for prayer requests.

As always it is great to see new faces, and hope to see you all next week.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 19th, 2010

We started an 8 week series called "Defining Moments" by Andy Stanley. We will be doing a video and then have some discussion. No worries about missing or being behind as there is no homework, so come when you can!!

If you want to check out more information on this or possibly order the little book that comes with it you can go to

We are now meeting in the high school room, there are maps in the church to point you in the right direction.

~ Misti's friend Mary Lou - her husband and her mom
~ Stacey H.
~ BIG night for the kids starts Wednesday
~ Our pastor search, our current pastors, and our church
~ Prayer about where God wants you to serve within our group

Please let Casey know if you are willing to serve in any of the below areas.
1. Service projects - Taking ideas and getting project started for our group to go out and serve

2. Caring Person - in charge of organizing meals for when people have babies are ill or whatever.

3. Social Events - organizing a few events for us to get together for fellowship

4. Prayer & the blog - Prayer leader and updating the blog

5. Leading the Group or subbing for it each Sunday!

Have a great week!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Back to it...

It was great to see such a large group there today! Welcome back! I'm excited to see what God has in store for our group this year!

This week we talked about prayer requests (below) and getting organized for the year.

~ We will be talking about folks who want to head up a few things for our group.
Please be in prayer about how God wants you to serve.
~ Hands & Feet (Service Projects, Meals)
~ Group Social Events

~ Bring any ideas you might have for studies to do in the group each Sunday.
~ Bring any ideas for a kick-off event.

~ The pregnant women in the group
~ Blake's sister & her daughter
~ Safety & Fellowship for the Men's Retreat coming up October 8-10 - Contact Blake Waddell
~ Amy's brother & sister-in-law - possibly relocating
~ Tracy's Mom's vision - Praise
~ Our Pastor Search
~ Lincoln Ortman - upcoming surgeries
~ Will's new business venture
~ BIG program (starts Sept 22nd)
~ Foziya (our sponsored child through WorldVision)
~ Tim's mother moving to town and praise for how well it went
~ Heidi's grandma recovering from surgery
~ Heidi's Mom's recovery