Sunday, October 17, 2010

10/16/2010 - Seeing is believing!

Today Matt Howlet led our group. We watched another video in the Andy Stanley series, with this week's session called Seeing is Believing.
- His Big point is that people in Jesus' time (as well as us now) tend to focus on the unexplainable instead of the undeniable. He focused on John 9, "Jesus Heals" the story where he cures the blind man.
- A good question to think about is "What do you believe that you don't understand?"

Prayer Requests:
- Heidi's Grandpa is going on the Honor Flight trip this week
- Heidi is also traveling this week for a teaching conference (Pray for Casey with the kids too).
- Amy Storm was made aware of a child at their daycare who is being abused
- Search Committee
- Blake's Sister - strength and clarity in her decision
- Law Enforcement with all of the hunters around
- Men's Retreat guys - so they can bring the spiritual intensity home to their families
- Blake's continued responsibility at the Sanctuary

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