Things to know:
Couples retreat this weekend
- Please let Blake or Amy know when you are planning to leave so they can help organize carpooling if necessary
- Also, please get $60 for the weekend to either Blake or Amy if you have not done so already
Men's Retreat
- May 4-6
- More details to come, contact Blake Waddell with questions
Watch for email for Stange family
Prayer Requests:
- Belize and Cosa Rica mission teams leaving this week
- Elissa's brother Aaron
- Couple's retreat
- Baas' new baby, Benjamin
- Stange's new baby, Sebastian
- Mandy and Chris Williams and twins
- Blake's coworker has a 13 yr old neice (Cassie) with lymphoma
- Amy's mom finished last round of chemo
Next Week: study of another of Jesus' parables (not sure which one)
Have a Great Week,